Salisbury, UK

5 Tips For Shopping on Vinted


5 tips for shopping on vinted

5 tips for shopping on vinted

I've been an avid Vinted fan for a couple of years now and, if you're still using Depop, it's 100% time to make the switch. Not only do the items generally tend to be better priced but there is also a larger range of things too. In terms of selling, there aren't any fees for the seller, only the buyer. Not only that, but the range of postage options is also better too. Their partnership with Evri means you can just print out a label, stick it on and drop it off at any Evri point at any time. Aka there's no need to hurry down to the Post Office on your lunch break because it shuts at 4pm every day. Anyway, you're here for the tips for shopping on Vinted not selling, let's get started, shall we?

5 Tips For Shopping On Vinted 

01. Search vague terms 

I tend to have the most success shopping on Vinted when I'm not looking for something specific. I find if I go in with an open mind, and search for a brand and a size, I find all sorts of things that I wouldn't have considered looking for. That said, if you want something specific like a 'cream knit jumper' then they're absolutely on there, you might just need to trawl through a few before you find one that catches your eye. 

02. Set a maximum spend per search 

Unlike on Depop, the majority of items on Vinted are really well-priced. That said, there will always be sellers trying to flog pieces for far more than they're worth. Personally, I set up a maximum spend on each and every search I do. Everyone's budget and idea of a reasonable price are slightly different, but it's a great place to start. You might have to trawl through a few more scrolls of toot if you're more stringent with what you're looking to spend, but it's worth it. Also, it goes without saying, if you can't find anything, upping the budget only takes a couple of seconds.

03. Search items to see how they look on other sellers

A majority of people selling on Vinted don’t post photos wearing the items which makes gauging sizing a bit harder. So, I always try and search for the item before adding it to my basket to see if anyone else has it for sale. For common high-street pieces, there are always a few people selling the same thing. I tend to favourite the one I've found and then do a really specific search with all of the details in the hopes of finding someone else selling it with better photos. 

04. Choose a range of sizes 

Particularly with older garments, a lot of the sizing has changed over the years. Even just in the last few years, popular high street retailers like Primark have drastically changed their sizes too. I always try to bare this (and the fact that things shrink after many washes) in mind when browsing. I'm a size 10, but I'll often search with sizes 8-12 to account for things that are oversized or smaller fitting. If it's a jumper I'm buying, I often add another size or two on top of that as a personal preference as I love a baggy jumper. 

05. Filter By Newly Listed

I've noticed that a lot of the items have been on the app for a long time. A few times I've gone to buy something for the seller not to have it anymore. I think because there aren't fees to sell on Vinted, people tend to a) post more items (often worth a lower value) and b) forget what they have on there. So, before you set your heart on a jumper that's been on there for a couple of years, check the date it was posted! And, if you always search by newly listed, it means you won't be scrolling the same things over and over at a later date.

So, there you have it, 5 tips for shopping on Vinted. I've built up quite an assortment of different things in my slow fashion wardrobe from the apps, and I couldn't imagine not having them now. Affordable clothing that doesn't cause as much damage to the planet? We love to see it. 

What are your tips for shopping on Vinted?

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